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print preview only displays the structure that user can see and misses remaining all.. unless the user scrolls through each row of ultrawingrid


Print preview only displays the structures that are visible to the user without scrolling down to the end of the rows displayed in ultrawingrid. If we scroll though all the records displayed in the ultrawingrid then the print preview displays all the structures otherwise it will display only the structures available on screen(This is only happening with chemical structure) all other columns are displayed fine for each row in print preview. I want to know if there is any limitation which might be causing this. If not how to avoid this.



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  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Hi Jogi,

    What is the DataSource of your grid?

    My guess is that either this if a bug in a very old version of the grid (what version are you using)? Or else it's an issue with your data source. maybe your data source is doing some sort of paging where it doesn't load all of the data until the row is requested and so that's why it works once you've scrolled to the bottom of the grid.
