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SelectionOverlay Property un Grouped Rows

Hello, I couldn't find an answer to my question so I will create a new thread here.

My ultragrid has a different format(color in this case) for every row depending on the information in certain columns. Any color has a meaning and I want to keep track of the color in the row even when making a selection. For that purpose I used the SelectionOverlay property:

Like this:

Grid.DisplayLayout.SelectionOverlayColor = Color.Transparent;
Grid.DisplayLayout.SelectionOverlayBorderThickness = 1;

This is working fine for most of the rows but Grouped rows don't seem to be affected by the OverlayBorder property.

Is there any way to apply this property also to grouped rows?

Thanks in advance.

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  • 18495
    Suggested Answer

    Hello Francisco,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics.

    The SelectionOverlayColor only applies to cells, not group-by rows.  It's also impossible to select group-by rows and their children.

    I recommend submitting this as a new product idea at so you and other users can discuss and vote on the idea and so our product management team can know that the functionality is desired by our customers.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions about this.
