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Empty space in UltraWinGrid with hidden fields


We are using NetAdvantage 2012.2:2038_SR and have an ultragrid where we allow the user to choose which columns to display. The problem is that the horizontal scroll accounts for all the columns not displayed as well... This means that there are about 8000 pixels to the right of the approx 1600 pixels used by the actual columns. This looks kind of silly, see attached screenshot

But that is manageble. What's worse is when we try to print this using a UltraGridDocumentExporter, the page scales to about 2.3 x 2.8 m to fit all the empty space and the text becomes completely unreadable when printing on any normal page size.

As you can see we use child bands but they fit well inside the the visible area and do not need the scroll.

Any ideas regarding how to solve this?

Best regards

Johannes Nordh

  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Hi Johannes,

    I'm a little confused. If you are hiding columns in the grid using the Hidden property, then the grid will not leave any extra space. The only way something like this would happen is if you are hiding the columns by eliminating the UIElements using a CreationFilter or something like that. Are you using a CreationFilter to hide the columns? If so, why are you doing that instead of just using the Hidden property?

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