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UltraCalculatorDropDown return zero

i have UltraCalculatorDropDown embedded to ultragrid cell  via class called CellEditor (public class CellEditor : ControlContainerEditor)

and the CalculatorDropDownStyle = CalculatorDropDownStyle.KeepCurrentValue;

When i try to edit some values in the grid cell the value of the cell became zero... 

my last clicked button in the calc control before i the OK it was  - or +.

is that an issue or i missing something ?


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  • 23930
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi Lahmar,

    Thank you for posting in our forums.

    The UltraCalculatorDropDown implements the IProvideEmbeddableEditor interface that allows it to be used as the EditorComponent of the grid column. If you are using the CellEditor class, just so you can use a calculator for the editor of a column, my suggestion would be to simply set the EditorComponent property of the column to the UltraCalculatorDropDown instance. This will greatly simplify your application.

    Doing this the behavior I got is if you press the OK button it will set the cell value to the value that is in the text field of the editor. This is the expected behavior, so I couldn’t find a scenario in which the UltraCalculatorDropDown, would return 0 unless you type it is the value in the text field.

    I have attached a sample that demonstrates my suggestion.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.