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Excel export - .net datetime to excel small date value

I would like to export a grid content to excel using the ultragrid excel exporter.

One of my column is a datetime, but the excel column needs to be a small date.

I am aware I can change the format of the excel column during the export ( ) but changing the format doesn't change the value.

Is there any way to change the values inside the excel column to be small dates using the ultragrid excel exporter ?

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  • 28945
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Matthieu,

    You can handle the exporter's CellExporting event to convert the datetimes to short dates using ToShortDateString method.

    eg code.

    void ultraGridExcelExporter1_CellExporting(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ExcelExport.CellExportingEventArgs e)        
         if (e.Value != e.GridColumn.Header.Caption)       
             e.Value = ((DateTime)e.Value).ToShortDateString();      


    Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.
