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UltraGrid - ConditionAppearanceRow


Within a WinForms UlraGrid, I am looking for a means (via code) to alter the appearance of an entire row, whenever a targeted column value meets a certain condition.  For example, I already know that I can target the respect cell via the ConditionValueAppearance. The closest I could find to what might work is the ConditionAppearanceRow Class. Unfortunately you don't provide any code snippets to demonstrate how this class is hooked up with a given DisplayLayout Band.

 In any case, I need this capability through code, so I can set the row appearance on the fly. If there is another way to do this, I am all ears.




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    Hi Lacy,

        Conditional Appearances are really useful for setting things up at Design-time. But at run-time, they actually require more code than neccessary and it's much easier to do things a different way. 

        I recommend using the InitializeRow event of the grid. This event is specifically designed to help you with situations just like this one where you want to color the row based on a value inside that row. All you do is handle the event, examine the row and it's cells and then set the Appearance properties on the row to suit your needs.  
