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How to fix the location of FieldLayoutSettings

Hello I want the help for fixing position of FieldLayoutSettings.

Means I don't want to scroll it with horizontal scrollbar.

As Field is having the FixedLocation property,

What is the property for FieldLayoutSettings?

  • 6365
    Offline posted

    Hello Pratibha,

    In order to fix all fields of a specific FieldLayout, you can set the FixedLocation property of every field to the desired value.

    foreach (Field field in dataGrid.DefaultFieldLayout.Fields)
        field.FixedLocation = FixedFieldLocation.FixedToFarEdge;

    The FieldLayoutSettings property of the XamDataGrid is a property that sets general settings for all of it's FieldLayouts.

    Would you please provide me with more detailed information on what you are referring to by saying "fix the location of FieldLayoutSettings"? It would be great if you could provide me with images that illustrate the desired behavior.

    If you have any questions, please let me know.

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