I wanted to know if there is a possible way, to allow summaries in a XamDataGrid for just one of the columns. And just average and sum. No maximum or minimum.I know i can add SummaryDefinitions, but I not want to display the summaries all the time.
It would be fantastic if there's a way to just show the sum-symbol in the columns I want and hide Maximum and Minimum in the popup.
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
To make it so only one column can have a summary you can setup field settings for just that field:
<ig:Field Name="Department"> <ig:Field.Settings> <ig:FieldSettings AllowSummaries="True"></ig:FieldSettings> </ig:Field.Settings> </ig:Field>
To have only Sum and Average appear in the dropdown list you can handle the SummarySelectionControlOpening and modify the list there:
private void XamDataGrid1_SummarySelectionControlOpening(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.SummarySelectionControlOpeningEventArgs e) { e.Control.SummaryCalculatorHolders = e.Control.SummaryCalculatorHolders.Where(x => x.Calculator.Name == "Sum" || x.Calculator.Name == "Average"); }