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Fixed X axis intervals regardless of data points

The image below shows 5 plots over 2 hours (between 9am and 11am). 4 plots occur between 10 and 11. What I need is for the time scale to be evenly spaced 9--10--11 and the plots to conform to that, not evenly spaced by data point time. In the case below the density of plots would be higher between 10--11, if that makes sense?

  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Peter,

    I have been investigating into your requirement in this case, and for me to make a recommendation here, I believe I will need a little more information about the structure of your XamDataChart.

    Namely, if you can please provide the type of X-Axis that you are using in this case. If you are using a CategoryXAxis, the behavior you are seeing is expected, but if you are using either the TimeXAxis or CategoryDateTimeXAxis, I believe this behavior can be worked around. Can you please provide the type of axis you are currently using?

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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