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XamDataTree Drop when full


I have a XamlDataTree that I drag upon from a different XamDataTree. I can drop items bellow the last item and the new item is added. But when the window is full, there is no more place under the last item, and so, I can't drop an additional item (or it is very difficult since there is very little space which should be exactly located and there is no indication the mouse is hovering over it).

I also tried adding ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll=true and ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility=true hoping that will help but it didn't (also no scrollbar appeared).

So my question if it's possile to create some padding from the bottom of the control where new items can be dropped even if the control is full or perhaps there is a different solution.


I am using version 16.1

  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Pinto,

    I have been investigating into the behavior you are seeing, and I’d like to get an idea of the page layout that you have your XamDataTree elements placed in, as there should not be a sense of “full” in the XamDataTree, as the data tree can scroll and will scroll with its built-in drag and drop operations by default. This is assuming that you haven’t created your own drag and drop for the tree, but here is a link to the default drag and drop documentation just in case:

    With the above said, I am wondering if you have your XamDataTree placed within a ScrollViewer or a StackPanel element, as this will disable the scrollbars of the tree if you do not provide a fixed Height for the tree. This is expected, as those elements measure their children with an infinite height. Can you please provide more information on the layout of your page and whether or not your tree is within one of these elements?

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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