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AutoFitColumnWidth not working when using display scaling


We're using Ultimate UI 18.1 in our C# WPF application. We have a XamSpreadsheet, and we use following code to autofit the contents:

new SpreadsheetCommand(SpreadsheetCommandType.AutoFitColumnWidth).Execute(_grid);

This works perfectly, as does the double clicking between the column headers.

If we scale our display from Window's display settings, this autofit functionality breaks. It changes the widths, but they became too small, thus some on the cell contents are hidden.

Do you happen to know if this has been fixed in newer versions? Or is there some functionality somewhere in the library that we could use to solve this problem?

Best Regards,

-- Ville Mattila

Parents Reply
  • 15
    Offline posted in reply to Michael DiFilippo

    Please see the attached Visual Studio (I used 2022 but tried also with 2015) project with my sample code.

    Update References to InfragisticsWPF4.v18.1.dll and InfragisticsWPF4.Controls.Grids.XamSpreadsheet.v18.1.dll where you have them locally.

    At runtime it seems that also these files should be in bin folder:

    • InfragisticsWPF4.Undo.v18.1.dll
    • InfragisticsWPF4.Editors.v18.1.dll
    • InfragisticsWPF4.Documents.Excel.v18.1.dll
    • InfragisticsWPF4.Documents.Core.v18.1.dll
    • InfragisticsWPF4.Controls.Menus.XamMenu.v18.1.dll