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XamChart performance problem

Hi, all.

My application uses XamChart to display some dynamic graphs with lot of DataPoints.

I face serious performance problem.

In my test application I placed 4 XamChart components with 1 ScatterLine Series.

All charts are bind to the same observable collection

Each 1 second I add point to this collection.

To improve performance I use Performance RenderingMode

xamChart1.Scene.GridArea.RenderingOptions.RenderingMode = RenderingMode.Performance

Also I handle RefreshEnabled chart property

After about 5 minutes my test application uses 50% CPU and stops reacting on user input.

I opened the issue in the Infragistics support and received following

"We have experienced same performance issue so we have logged this behavior with our developers in our tracking system, with an issue ID of 12758."

Unfortunately they trying to fix this bug from January 21 (more then month)

Does anybody meet same performance problems with this control?

What is the possible solutions ?

Thanks in advance,


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