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Ribbon not working in Blend 4 in .NET 4, WPF4 Assembly


I can't drop the ribbon on a window in Blend 4


The Xaml doesn't get generated.


When I drop the Ribbon in Visual Studio, and open the Solution afterwards in Blend I got errors

"The name XamRibbon  does not exist in the namespace ""


any hint whats going wrong ?


Here the whole xaml


<Window x:Class="MyApp.Runner.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525"
        <igRibbon:XamRibbon Height="144" Margin="167,106,56,0" Name="xamRibbon1" VerticalAlignment="Top">
                <igRibbon:ApplicationMenu />
                <igRibbon:QuickAccessToolbar />


I also tried changing the name space to



but this doesn't work either :-(

In VisualStudio it works with both kinds of declaring the namespace

Any Help ??