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Xamcolorpicker within xamdatagrid - not responding correctly

Having read and used information in the forums, I now have a xamcolorpicker operating within each cell of the 1st column within a xamdatagrid. However I have a behaviour problem. When the color picker is activated it will not exit properly if a color is selected within an area that overlaps cells or rows by the underlying xamdatagrid.  I  found a zip file within a blog and downloaded it and found that if I added enough rows in the example xamdatagrid that I could recreate the issue. I have enclosed this sample in a .rar file for your investigation. If a selection is made in the color picker and the location of the mouse is not over an underlying row or cell in the xamdatagrid then the expected behaviour is achieved.

The problem is that the color picker, makes the color selection, but does not exit. Addtionally it does appear to select the row in the underlying xamdatagrid.

I was wondering how to effectively avoid the unwanted behaviour.

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    Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and the sample project you have sent and I modified it, so now it works as you want. Basically I set the ContetentTemplate Property of the CellValuePreseter instead of its Template one and change the Binding of the XamColorPicker, because the DataContexts of the Template and ContentTemplate are different. Please let me know if this helps you or you need further clarifications on this matter.


    Looking forward for your reply.