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Hide/disable XamScheduleView's scrollbar


Is there someway to hide the scrollbar of the XamScheduleView?  I have a stackpanel with multiple XamScheduleView's, each scheduleview representing one day, stacked on top of each other vertically.  I'd like to have it so that the individual scheduleview's don't have a scrollbar and instead use the scrollbar of the stackpanel to navigate horizontally - this way as I scroll I can view the same time period for all the day's at the same time. 

During debugging I've found the TimeslotScrollBarVisibility property, and when set to Hidden it does what I'm looking for, but I can't figure out a way to access this property in code/XAML.  

Alternatively, having someway to synchronize the scrollbars together would accomplish the same goal.  Is there anyway to synchronize the scrollbars of XamScheduleViews?  (Although with this solution I'd still like to hide the individual scrollbars and only have a single scrollbar that controls the scrolling for all the scheduleviews.)

Thank you!

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    Well, I've figured out to get rid of the scrollbar by creating a custom ControlTemplate, but it doesn't do any good because the control still behaves the way it would if the scrollbar existed - i.e. the control's width doesn't resize when you change the interval. 

    Is there someway to define the width of the XamScheduleView, or make it so that the control is always 100% of it's width (so there's no scrolling needed from the control's scrollbar)?  The width property always seems to be set to "NaN".  If I could dynamically resize the control when the interval is changed then I think I'd be able to come up with a solution that will work for me.
