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  • Ultra webtree Not working in Internet explorer 8(IE 8)


     Today i installed IE8. Im getting many issues with my project, especially in infragistics.

    The problem was in the ultrawebtree. The error is  "htmlfile: Unexpected call to method or property access." ,

    which occurs in the following line


  • WebTree expand and collapse in Conditional Update Panel

    I have two web trees in a page. One of the trees is inside a conditional update panel. The other tree is placed outside the panel. When the page loads for the first time every thing works fine. But when the conditional ajax update panel is updated, the…

  • UltraWebTree dotted border when expanded or collapsed...

    How do I get rid of the dotted border that appears when I expand or contract the tree?



  • bind data

    hi , i have a problem withe binding data to a UltraWebTree, i use a datatable as datasource, but when i execute the aplicaton i can`t see the webtree, here some code:

    this is the webtree:

    <ignav:UltraWebTree ID="uwtAreas" runat="server" DefaultImage…

  • How to specfiy the Node image via CSOM


    I am using the UltraWebTree control. In my application, the UltraWebTree represents a folder structure i.e. folder can contain folders and files. Basically it is very much similar to the Windows Explorer's tree structure.

     The issue is that there…

  • Ultrawebtree overflows into the web grid in Apple Safari


    My website works fine on IE 7. Now while running on Apple Safari, I find that the ultrawebtree overflows into the ultrawebgrid(placed in another table and div).

    The UltraWebTree is placed inside a Tree View user control. 

     I have attached…

  • tree.getNodeById not working

    I am using the Infragistics Build Version: 7.3.20073.1043 WebTree control. In the NodeChecked event handler, I'm using the client side getNodeById function of the tree control in the javascript. My code is as follows:

    function folio_NodeChecked(treeId…

  • Resizing Tree in Firefox


    Using the information in the thread at, I've been able to get a WebTree to resize from client-side Javascript in Internet Explorer, but the same method does not work with Firefox, I have not tried Safari…

  • Double Click on UltraWebTree Node change the Scroll position

    I am using the UltraWebTree.When I double  click on the node, the node become in Edit mode but it scrolls the position to top. What I need is the scroll position should not be changed. Can any body help me by solving such problem.I am not using postback…

  • Webtree HierarchicalDataSource "Where" Clause...

    Okay.  I cannot figure this out.  I have a TreeView bound to a WebHierarchicalDataSource.  Everything works as it is supposed to until I put in a where clause in the SQL datasource that  "populates" the WHDS.

     Anyone have any ideas??

  • Tree node expand not working on Production M/c.

    I have a infragistics WebTree which is loaded on demand. It works fine on my local machine but on production tree nodes does not expands or collaps.
    On investigating the issue further, I found that any hit to server stops my tree to function properly.…

  • Treeview from SQL Reporting Services..

    I am trying to build a tree view from Reporting Sevices (I have added a reference to my web app for Reporting service).

    I have the following code:

    Protected Sub uwtReportFolders_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles uwtReportFolders…
  • AJAX (Smart) Callback for NodeClick event in WebTree

    To All,

    I have seen significant discussion regarding DemandLoad and a little on callbacks initiated by a WebTree NodeClick.


    I have wired the NodeClick as such:

    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)


  • WebTree expands/collapses when checking node

    How do i prevent the node from expanding/collapsing when I check the node?

    Update: I have since found that this wil not happen if I Set teh Expand On Click property to false, however is there a way allow the user to check/uncheck the checkbox without…

  • OnNodeClick don't fire when OnNodeSelectionChange has listener

    Hello! If anyone has encounter one problem related with the fact that the OnNodeClick don't fire after certain moment...well, i found a misbehaviour about the OnClickNode event.
    In my case, the OnNodeClick event was working perfect and for some reason…

  • Unchecking all nodes with Javascript

    I would like to make the UltraWebTree perform like a radio control in Javascript with a NodeChecked ClientSideEvent. Since there does not appear to be a built in way to do this I figure that Ill have to:

    1. Remember what node was just checked.

    2. Unselect…

  • Loading indicator

    Please help me to add some loading indicator and show it during some node in UltraWebTree is expanding.

    Is there a possibility to use UpdateProgress ASP.Net AJAX control ? 

  • Ultrawebtree Node hide

    Hi All

    I want to hide node when tree is loaded. I have used Xmldocument for binding my data. Can any one tell me how i can hide specific node when tree is loaded.

    Below is my code for binding ultrawentree:

    string xmlOutput = doc.OuterXml;


  • Init checkbox overridden by igtree_Load event in UltraWebTree




    I have a problem with the infragistics webTree version > 7. The version 6.2 works perfect.

    I have an ultrawebtree control with checkboxes. I initialize the state of the checkboxes in the InitializeTree event with ultraWebTree_InitializeTree…

  • Nodes Does Not Show Up

    This is my ASP code. I just took it from a sample:


    ignav:UltraWebTree ID="AccessTreeView" runat="server" Cursor="Default" ForeColor="Black"

    Font-Size="8pt" Font-Names="Verdana" BorderC…
  • Set server-side "SelectedNode" object to null by javascript

    Hi guys,

    The behavior I want to implement is "Reset" the UltraWebTree on Client-side.It means collapse all nodes and clear selectedNode by javascript.

    My problem is my javascript method can't change the SelectedNode object to null on Server-s…

  • Can get the value of the seleceted UltraWebTree's node with javascript?

    I can get the name of the selected UltraWebTree's node  with javascript, for example:

        function NodeClick(treeId,nodeId)  
            var node = igtree_getNodeById(nodeId);
            if(node == null)
            var nodename=node.getText();         

    so now,I want to get…

  • Ultrawebtree memory leaks when beeing used within an UpdaPanel


     I'm experiencing some memory leaks on IE and Firefox when using an Ultrawebtree within an UpdatePanel (AJAX.NET).

    After 40 postbacks (asynck postbacks doing partial rendering) I'm having about 3 MB in IE 7 and 2 MB in FireFox 3.0. It is a…

  • UltraWebTree Drag and Drop using server Events


    We have a challange with implementing drog and drop on the server side.

    On the server code we have Event heandler for NodeDropped server event. This event work well. We need to get 2 node object to make some actions with appropriate objects.

  • Implementing Multiselection in UltrawebTree


    I need some help in this task! :)

    I trying to implement the ultrawebtree missing feature (you should think about this!! in your next version) and erything was went rigth...

    I have a tree that allows drag (source tree) to another one that accepts drop…