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  • isChildOf always returns true after 9th node

     Having problem with the isChildOf method of a node. ( version 7.2.xxxx)

        if(sourceNode.getText() == "Root")
            alert("Can't move the root.");



    I have a root and under the root…

  • NodeAdded event not firing

    I am using UltraWebNavigator 7.1 to display a hierarchy of products.  Normally, we load each level on demand, however for this application, all nodes must be loaded on page load.  I can add all of the highest level nodes in the page load event.  However…

  • Postback on some nodes and not others?

    Hi I was hoping that the webtree component could handle my requirements but I cannot see a solution, so I am hoping someone will be able to help me.

    My requiremet is as follows.. my webtree will display addresses and each address will have mulitple contact…

  • Add Nodes and remove nodes dynamically

    How can i add the nodes to a tree and delete them.As in outlook where you can have a model popup and add nodes and delete them.Is there any way of doing it.

  • WebTree and Application Styling


    When I set the StyleSetName of a webtree to a styleset (Appletini in my case) the designer is not showing the actual images. It shows icons with a red cross in the middle, like it cannot find the image. I have the ig_res/Appletini folder in my web…