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  • Extending IgDataChart palette


    I am facing a problem with IgDataChart that re-uses the brush colors if more than 10 series are added. I tried in the  initialization to execute the following javascript code: 

      var brushes = ["aqua", "brown", "violet", "chocolate", "coral", "crimson…

  • Reuse some colors from XamDataGrid for other controls


    I want to re-style a Border control according to the colors of the XamDataGrid. I'm using the Office2010Blue theme for the grid.

    I want to reuse e.g. following color definition (located in Office2010Blue.xamGrid.xaml)...
    <SolidColorBrush x:Key…

  • Introduction to Resource Washing in NetAdvantage for Silverlight 11.2

    The Resource Washer is a XAML cross-platform component. It has no visual representation, yet its features are about looks – it provides an fast and easy way to ‘wash’ a ResourceDictionary with one or multiple colours for possibly quite dramatic end results…

  • Re: UltraChart - PDF/XPS


    Sorry for the late reply.

    I used ur above sample code and tested.For me after exporting the chart to PDF,the background color is not  black.

    I sent u the sample code to ur mentioned email id.Please chk it and let me know,it helped u r not.


  • CharDrawItem Event

    I am trying to use the ChartDrawItem event. I put a Consule.WriteLine() to see when it's called. I realize as long my ultrachart is open, it keeps looping in it. Is this suppose to be like that? I simply want to make use of the Primivitive to change color…