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  • ASP.NET AJAX Hierarchical Data Grid Multi-Column Headers

    A multi-column header feature has been available thus far only for the flat data ASP.NET AJAX grid and I believe there’s barely anyone left wondering what that would do. Call it grouped headers, merged headers - aside from the obvious aesthetics having…

  • Ignite UI jQuery Grid Column Moving

    Ignite UI jQuery Grid with Column Moving feature. Dropdown menu visible on the shot.The Grid is one of Ignite UI’s bread and butter controls and its feature set just.. keeps growing! I guess that fact that Infragistics has done quite a few grid controls over the years helps. Ome of the latest additions is the The Column Moving feature…

  • jQuery Editors: Rich client experience (part 2)

    jQuery editors rich client experienceTime for some more fiddling with the elaborate API of the jQuery Editors helping you deliver awesome experiences! Here’s the quick jump list for the previous articles:

  • HTML5 Report Viewer – Taking your Reports further!

    The NetAdvantage Reporting began as a tool that was meant to overcome limitations – namely, such of existing solutions heavily relying on Windows Forms designer and naturally restricting the area of usability among other things. It became the industry…

  • jQuery Editors: Rich client experience

    jQuery editors for rich client experienceOnce you get to know Infragistics’ set of jQuery Editors you begin to realize they are packed with various options and all sorts of knobs to be tweaked. It’s quite the rich API and it can be put to good use to create awesome client-side experience for…

  • jQuery Grid Checkbox Column alternatives (continue)

    This is the second part covering the topic of jQuery Grid checkbox column alternatives and/or custom implementations. A quick recap: the Checkbox column is a feature that provides default setup to turn Boolean values in the jQuery grid into checkboxes…

  • jQuery Mobile Controls by Infragistics

    With the jQuery product Infragistics envisioned business intelligence and data visualization across a range of platforms, not just one – more like every single one of them. Built on popular and largely supported HTML5 and jQuery UI and striving to provide…

  • jQuery Grid Checkbox Column alternatives

    The checkbox column (introduced with the last release, see this post on Using Checkbox Columns with the Infragistics jQuery Grid) was created to provide a ‘shortcut’ for transforming columns with Boolean values into checkboxes and mostly became reality…

  • Financial charting with Ignite UI

    Financial charting with the Ignite UI Data Chart

    Or should I say “How to deliver charts for Technical analysis” and then throw in a little bit of understanding for a good measure. So, we are technical people, no? Then technical analysis shouldn’t sound so distant? Yeah, well, in the field of…

  • NetAdvantage jQuery Controls are Theme Roller Ready

    One of the core design principle of the NetAdvantage for jQuery controls were to make sure it honors the jQuery styling conventions. In order to do that, all the jQuery controls fully support the jQueryUI Theme Roller styles. This has a lot of benefits…

  • Getting Started with Outlook GroupBy in jQuery Grid

    In 2011 Volume 2, one of the most valued feature added to the grid is the Outlook GroupBy capability. This allows the user to grab a column header and drop it within the group by area, and the grid creates visual grouped rows that the user can then expand…

  • Understanding Mask Options in jQuery Mask Editor

    The jQuery Mask Editor control is quite useful when you are trying to accept a strict input from a user that contains letters, numbers in a specific order, case with length restrictions..etc. The property to setup the mask editor control to specify such…

  • WebDropDown & WebDatePicker AJAX controls not persisting values or firing events

          I recently wrote an enhancement to an that included creating a new user control.  I initially added all of the new features in a new web application, before integrating it into the existing application.  The new user control within this new application…

  • WebDropDown and SharePoint

    I am using NetAdvantage 2010.1 and have tried to implement lazy loading for a WebDropDown control used on a SharePoint page as described in the documentation (developer's guide).

    To fire the event ItemsRequested on server side, the documentation is…

  • Clientside select all and select none


    I want integrate a Checkbox in the webdropdown, with this I want to select all Items or deselect all items.

    Because I have 100 Items in my WebDropDown with multiselection, now I need a long time to select or deselect all items.

    Can anyone help…

  • Adding rows to WebDataGrid

    I have a very simple ASP.NET web application with a single WebDataGrid component. I did NOT bind the grid to any kind of DB object, but I did initialize it within the page load process (in function "Page_Load").
    DataTable dt …
  • When i loading the webpage,i met the js error like this 'c.coc' is null or not an object!


    I am  a studier on webdatagrid! When i entrying the page that contain webdatagrid,there is a javascript error like this

      '1.c.coc'  is null or not an object!  ScriptResource.axd?d=DDqAHK75kNSp2EX97A0jmY4uIQ12Sf7fpaSi4hgzui6dh-dhJgJN03QAM2fscWDqHANxA4DZg…

  • WebDataGrid Returning Undefined using igtbl_getGridById

    Hello all,

    I have recently been expriencing a problem regarding my WebDataGrid returning as undefined when using the client-side igtbl_getGridById method, as shown below:

    var grid = igtbl_getGridById("<%= myWebDataGrid.ClientID %>");…

  • WebTree expand and collapse in Conditional Update Panel

    I have two web trees in a page. One of the trees is inside a conditional update panel. The other tree is placed outside the panel. When the page loads for the first time every thing works fine. But when the conditional ajax update panel is updated, the…

  • Handling a Session (Cookie) Timeout with WebAsynchRefreshPanel

    I use the WebAsynchRefreshPanel extensively in my webapplication. The problem occurs when

    a session (or cookie) reaches the timeout. The WebAsynchRefreshPanel puts out an asynch request

    to the server but it gets no response and tries this for the about…

  • Grid Rows Clear After 2nd WARP Refresh

    Odd behavior here.

    On one page, I have 4 grids.  Call them grdMaster, grd1, grd2, and grd3.  Each of the last 3 grids has their own WARP control (wrp1, wrp2, wrp3).  When a row is changed on grdMaster I execute:


  • Issues with ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock inside Formview in Infragistics Ajax (WebTab / AsyncPanel)

    Well, the title's fairly decriptive. I'm using Visual Studio 2008, the 3.5 version of the components and C#. The issue I'm having is that the ScriptManger.RegisterClientScriptBlock command isn't putting my script block into the HTML page after an asynchronous…

  • Re: Disable Update panel during postback

    Hey, have you gotten a good answer to this yet? 

    You can check out my solution here:

    Let me know if you have any questions.

  • Functions ig_getWebControlById & $find only find Warps

    I need help with getting my client side objects into variables.

    On the onload event of the html-body I call a delayed (1000ms) function that loads my different IG controls into a global variable. Either way I try to load the objects with ig_getWebControlById…