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  • Change cell color

    I am validating the cell value in the grid.If the value not available(null) then the cell background color needs to change.

    The below code working only for odd rows, for even rows the cell background color is not changing.

    Is there any other way to…

  • Filter UltraWebgrid client-side with no AJAX or Postback

    I have been searching for a way to filter my web grids and combos using javascript and not doing a postback or using AJAX to hit the server again.  I was not able to find anything.  My goal was to filter a grid based on the value chosen in a combo box.…

  • Webcombo in WebGrid doesn't show when using cell.beginEdit() in FireFox

     Hi All,

     I have come across a problem in firefox. I have a webgrid with webcombo on a page, (ajax enabled and uses update panel) I have also added the webgrid CellClickHandler on client.

    Basically, if a user first click on a cell, another webgrid on the…

  • Clearing MS Validation Controls When a RowEditTemplate is Closed

    Anyone aware of how to get all of the Validation Controls for a RowEditTemplate Reset when a user clicks the CANCEL button? Currenlty the validators keep their state when a user clicks cancel and then returns back to the RowEditTemplate again. Therefore…

  • Have page load run everytime modal window is opened.

    Hey Guys,

         I have an ultrawebgrid on an aspx page.  I've tried this with a link column and with a templated column with link buttons. Here's the situation:

    The links or buttons (whichever) has a ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript statement that…

  • Re: Ultrawebgrid header is offset when loading

    I have the similar issue but it's actually the whole grid object was shifted up and snaped back after mouseover or any javascript was trigged. I've already specified XHTML 1.0 doctype in our master page. I cannot specify the width of the grid because…

  • Re: How to make CellButton Pop out windows.


    Even I am looking for a solution in which if I clieck on hyperlink cell it should open new window with focus on it. But


    e.Row.Cells.FromKey("Edit").TargetURL = "'popup.aspx',null,'left=400, top=100, height=250, width…

  • UltraWebGrid - UpdateRow / UpdateRowBatch and Paging


    I'm using the UltraWebGrid, using LoadOnDemand="Xml" for async postbacks.  I have a datatable I keep in the codebehind that I populate when the user requests the grid be filled.  When generating the table, I add a boolean column directly…

  • How to get the value of a cell in a webgrid using javascript?

    I have a web grid with radio button as a template column.

    On the click or CheckChange of the radio button, i need to get the value of a cell in the particular row in the web grid and populate a hidden field with the value. How can this be done using…

  • UltraWebGrid and doPostBack


    I am using the UltraWebGrid inside an UpdatePanel on my page and I am getting numerous Javascript errors after I call the __doPostBack function from a client-side event handler. The grid works fine beforehand, but after the function is called many…