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  • MaxDropDownItems for ComboBoxTool

    Is it possible to control how many items are displayed when the user displays the dropdownlist of a ComboBoxTool embedded in a toolbar?  

    The regular combo box editor for windows forms has the MaxDropDownItems property, but I can't find a way to control…

  • ComboBoxTool text alignment

    I have a ComboBoxTool that displays font sizes (8, 10, 12, 24, 36) in the dropdown. When a two digit selection is made, only the first digit is displayed in the edit box portion of the the tool, even though the ComboBoxTool is wide enough to display three…

  • ComboBoxTool and the Text property - Text property different than displayed value

    I'm having an unexpected result when I edit one of my comboboxtools in a ribbon. If I choose from the dropdown list everything works fine, but typing in a value is returning only what the user types in to the Text property, NOT what shows in the text…

  • Get dropdown control of ComboBoxTool


    I need to determine the location of the dropdown and its items of the ComboBoxTool when its actually dropped down.

    Control or UIElement would work great. However, I don't see how can I get any of those objects. I would expect having the control…

  • Combo box in UltraToolbar

    Hi All,

    How to use UltraWinGrid.UltraCombo instance of using ComboBoxTool("cboStudent") in UltraToolbar.

    I need UltraCombo feature of multiple column dropdown.

    Please show me sample code.

    Thank you

  • Need keyboard access to a ComboBoxTool on Toolbar

    We are currently trying to certify our product for Section 508 compliance.

    This requires that all features can be accessed via the keyboard alone.

    We currently have a ComboBoxTool on one of our toolbars - but NOT on a menu.

    I can use Alt to navigate…

  • Tab key press on ComboBoxTool

    I have toolbar with lots of tools. I need to hold the tab press. Is there any way to catch tab press. I subscribed to .ToolKeyPress, .ToolKeyDown. I get the messages on any key press, shift press, but no Tab key. 

    Any way out?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Setting a value without firing the ToolValueChanged event


    I have a a toolbar with a comboBoxTool which I populate on the BeforeToolDropDown event, after I populate the combo I need to set the default Value.

    My problem is that by setting the default value at this point it triggers the ToolValueChanged…

  • Unnecessary space in ComboBoxTool

    From where does the red marked space (view attached screenshot) in the ComboBoxTool come from? We use NetAdvantage 2009V1 (2029) with the latest hot fix. The problem also was there with the version 2012.

    The Problem also exists in the BasicSample from…

  • Capturing object associate with UltraWinToolbars ComboBoxTool


    I have a ComboBoxTool on my UltraWinToolbar. 

    I am populating the list at runtime like this:


    public void addDevice(object newDevice)
                deviceComboBox.ValueList.ValueListItems.Add(newDevice, newDevice.ToString());


    What I need to do is…

  • ComboBoxTool keeps PopupMenu open


    I added a comboboxtool and some buttons to a popupmenu and added some items. During runtime I open the popup en click the buttons the popup is closed automaticly. However if I select an item in the comboboxtool the popupmenu stays 'open'. I tried to…

  • DropDown a ComboBoxTool programmatically



    I would like to if there is any means to dropdown a ComboBoxTool programmatically.

    With the UltraCombo control, this can be done by calling the PerformAction method with the UltraComboAction.Dropdown parameter ; but, unfortunatelly, there isn't any…

  • Cancel a ComboBoxTool value change

    I have a ComboBoxTool in my toolbar which is used to filter the items that appear in a grid in my view.

    If the user goes to change the selected filter value and there are unsaved changes in the view, I want to show a message box and ask the user if they…

  • ComboBoxTool displaying more items in the dropdown list?

    The dropdown list for the ComboBoxTool displays 8 items.  Is there a way to have it display a larger number?  (I also have the same question for ultrawingrid dropdowns in a cell.)

  • Enable tool items when trying to implement formatting on the RTF control.

     I would like to enable my toolbar when i select a portion of text on RTF and try to click on dropdown list to implement some special custom formatting. 

    I have implemented GotFocus/LostFocus on RTF control to enable/disable few of the RTF-control…

  • Contextual Tab Groups for an active pane when using WinDockManager

    I've created contextual tab groups in the WinToolbarsManager.  I'm also creating panes using the WinDockManager.  I'd like to have those contextual tabs appear only when a particular pane is active.  I thought I had come up with a way to make…

  • Need to change ultratoolbar combobox width

    I'm trying to locate the property for setting the width of the combobox control in an ultratoolbar.  Not the width of the dropdownlist...the width of the collapsed combobox.  I'd prefer to set it via the form designer.

