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  • XamColorPicker Custom Palettes

    I am using the XamColorPicker and wanted to include a Custom Palette.  Is there a way to include Custom Palettes as part of the Style so that they are automatically included for all occurrences of the XamColorPicker across my application?

  • XamColorPicker Advanced Dialog

    I can't find a way to set the title or style the Advanced Color dialog.   I can style the body of it just fine, I really mine the title bar.    Also I can't set the title of the Advanced dialog.   I downloaded the sample app and saw an example using…

  • Add box to XamColorPicker to enter color in hex

    I really like the XamColorPicker but it lacks the ability to specify a color in hex, e.g. #123456. In our current web-centric culture, it's just really necessary.

    For this single reason I can't use the control in my app.

    I'm currently using WPF…

  • Add option to disable / hide alpha channel slider in XamColorPicker

    When working with color pickers, there sometimes is a limitation to only allow non-transparent colors to be picked.

    Currently, the only way to disable this functionality is to hide the alpha slider by re-templating the whole control, which is non-optimal…

  • XamColorPicker mouse interaction in shading canvas (advanced color picker) closes popup, xamcontextmenu, xamradialmenu


    We using the xamcolorpicker in our application but have come across a few issuses.

    We use the color picker in a xamMenuItem both in a xamradialmenu and xamcontextmenu. However, when attempting to use the advanced picker - mouse interactions in the…

  • XamColorPicker inside XamDataGrid and null values


    the XamColorPicker sits inside a XamDataGrid and works very fine - unless the underlying value of the color is null. In this case I receive a number of binding errors.

    System.Windows.Data Error: 5 : Value produced by BindingExpression is not…

  • Styling of the xamColorPicker drop down button

    The current color picker drop down button is too large for our current UI layout and we would like to modify it. But we can't find any examples showing how I can template this control. Is there anything that you could provide to point me in the correct…

  • How to set value of Alpha in XAML or Code-behind


    Our application need a colorPicker which user choose color freely but it should have  a certain transparency(alpha value).

    I removed advanced button in your xamColorPicker Window. But I don't know how to set every default color with certain…

  • Share recent colors between color pickers


    I have a dialog with several xamColorPickers. I'd like the recent color palette to be shared between them.

    I found this post from 2011 which is somewhat helpful ( However, I've tried…

  • Is there way to Showing alpha track bar in basic color picker?


    There is alpha track bar in advanced colorpicker

    We need simple color picker with alpha track bar..

    1. click xamcolorpicker control

    2. pop up simple xamcolorpicker(with alpha track bar, no advance button)

    I'm not good at english, so explain not…

  • How to get selected color Name using XAM color Picker?


    We are using XAM Color Picker and we bind property like   <ig:XamColorPicker x:Name="MyColorPicker" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1"  DerivedPalettesCount="10" HorizontalAlignment="Left"  Width="100"…

  • Can I have more than 10 colors in the CurrentPalette?

    I would like to have 11 colors in my CurrentPalette.  It seems this is hard coded to 10 and anything in the collection after that is ignored.  Is there a way around this?



  • Custom caption not used in DataTemplate

    When using the XamColorPicker in a DataTemplate the custom captions appear to be ignored.

    I have a simple project where the XamColorPicker is used in the DataTemplate of an ItemsControl:

    <Window x:Class="WpfApplication8.MainWindow"
  • Remove XamColorPicker's default Color palette

    I've successfully swapped out the XamColorPicker's CurrentPalette by binding it to a different ColorPallete. But, when I go to my dropdown, I still see the default color pallete in my list of selectable palettes. I want this palette gone, as I have an…

  • Hide XamColorPicker's Advanced ability to adjust Transparency

    I'd like to disable my Advanced option to adjust the alpha level of the color. Is there a way to do this?

  • When Binding SelectedColor, either select the existing ColorPatch, or Add to Recent Colors collection.

    Currently in the XamColorPicker, we have the ability to bind to the SelectedColor. The selected color is correctly indicated within the Current Color window. But it is not indicated within my ColorPalette or Recent Colors Palette.

    What I'd like, and…

  • How to access ColorStripManager in XamColorPicker?


    I am using XamColorPicker and I am able to successfully set the settings for Standard and Derived Color Palette.

    What I am trying to achieve is, loop through the colors in Standard and Derived Color Palette.

    I kept DerivedPalettesCount as 10.

  • StaticResource Template to XamColorPicker


    We are using XamlColorPicker and it is working pretty well. 

    We have created our own template for ComboBox in WPF. In a page, all comboboxes looks with one theme and template but XamColorPicker looks different.

    So we want to apply the same StaticResource…

  • Advanced window stays open if you switch to a different program/window.

    While using the color picker, if you open the advanced window and then switch to a different program, via click or alt-tab, the advanced window stays on top.

    Has anyone found a way around this?

  • xamColorPicker does not handle when user clicks outside of the control

    We are using XamColorPicker and need to know whether or not a user clicked on a color to close the color picker control.   We have the following setup:

    - A color picker on a WPF window
    - SelectedColor is bound to a property
    - IsDropDownOpen bound to a p…

  • Using Color Picker within WindowDialog

    I am new on WPF and I want to use your ColorPicker within a Dialog Window without showing the Combo Box. Is there any way to do this?

    Thanks a lot Jan

  • Gradient color

    Can I get a gradient color from xamColorPicker?

  • Templating the ColorPicker button with label


    I am using 2 XAM color picker one for BG color and one for FG Color.Now I would like to template the color picker button such that BG Color or FG color label shown inside Color picker(see below image).

  • how to put the color pallete to a style so it can be applied to all xamcolorpicker

    In the link

    How can i put it into a style and apply it to all xamcolorpickers?

  • Localization?



    The xamColorPicker holds several strings. Only 4 of them are configurable captions. How to localize the other text ressources?


    Thanks in advance