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  • Search igHierarchicalGrid by text on all levels and columns.


    I'm new to Infragistics and I am trying to implement a search by text on a HierarchicalGrid. I am using an XML as the table Datasource. This what i have done so far.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src="…

  • Format Text as Code

    You see these plugins on blogs that allow you to insert code as formatted text.  I'd like to see that option in your text editor.  It should be a simple property and we should be able to choose the lang we want to format as.  Then I think there should…

  • Rotate text

    Provide a feature that allows you to rotate text vertically.

  • Allow us to use icons inside text

    There should be a way to use icons inside text. 

    We should be able to set the font size to make the icon look bigger. And we should be able to define a margin surrounding the icon so the text is spaced from the icons.

    I don't expect it to work in all…

  • Copy text from published prototypes

    Our prototypes usually contain real content.

    it can be in menus, errors/approvals messages and other textual descriptions.

    Almost any UI designer I have worked with, complained that he can't copy the text from the prototypes into the UI design.

    in many…

  • Text of tabpage not mutable at runtime?

    Dear friends at Infragistics,

    I'm using an Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl with some Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTabControl.UltraTabPageControl. As you know these UltraTabPagecontrols have Text properties. When you set these in the Designer it's fine…

  • Multiple Colours in UltraExpandableGroupBox header text.

    We are using a IUIElementCreationFilter to amend the GroupBoxHeaderUIElement so that it is built up with customizable ImageUIElement and TextUIElement that are aligned an spaced to the developers requirements.

    I was wondering if there is a way to have multiple…

  • Chart legend items cut off



    I am using XamWebChart, but for some reason the text in the legend is cut off;

    These are my settings:

    <Style x:Key="Style_IGChartLegend" TargetType="igChart:Legend">
            <Setter Property="Background" Value="#00000000" /…

  • TabStripControl TextTrimming Problem


    we've created a new style library on the AppStylist based on the standard style Template_Glassy provided by Infragistics. There were just changes on the background image settings. But using it on a c# project in visual studio 2008 I recognized…

  • Re: Close Button on Tab


    Please give me response regarding above questions. Is there any support for animated gif.

  • UltraWinCombo Value & Text

    Hi Infragistics

    I was wondering if you could help.

    I currently upgraded to the latest version .Net Advantage 11.1 and im having some trouble with setting the value and the text.

    If I set the value to 0, then it sets the text to 0 and if I then set…

  • UltraCombo issue


    If we take a look at the sample AutoCompleteMode for UltraCombo and set AutoCompleteMode to SuggestAppend.

    Select Apple in the list and now paste Cherry in the editor and when ultracombo is clicked to open the list, only cherry is seen in the list…

  • Distorted Caption Text

    I'm working on an application which uses the ultraDockManager for part of its main interface.  A problem that has been bothering me as of late is that when the dockable windows are undocked, their caption text appears distorted with uneven spacing…

  • ultrawebgrid


    i need to search for text in cells how can i get it

  • Re: Format cell to 2 decimal places

    An UltraGridCell's Text property is always going to be of type String.  To apply that format string, you want to store a number (Decimal, Double or Single data types) in the WorksheetCell's Value property.

    Use the UltraGridCell's Value property…

  • Infragistics Excel Save As Tab Delimited Text File

    Hi All,

    I am not sure if this would be the correct place for the below request.

    I am currently using Infragistics 10.3 and wanted to know if there is a way where I can save an Infragistics workbook to a tab delimited text file. As the data content in…

  • Showing Line Numbers in the Text Editor


    Is there an Infragistics component that supports line numbers?  (e.g. for source code editing). I have looked through the forum and API docs but did not anything.

    So, I guess, I could do something with a DrawFilter on a TextEditor. Does someone have…

  • Text Treatment and User Experience

    Before user interfaces became graphical, text was the primary input/output defining the human-computer interaction. Even today, much of the information presented on UIs is text-based. The right text treatment can measurably improve productivity and increase…

  • UltraWebGrid - "Table control" text appears instead of the grid

    I am encountering a strange issue that is occurring on random PC's.  When a user does a search on one of our web pages, the results are then displayed in an UltraWebGrid on that page.  However, on some PC's, when the user does a search, instead of the…

  • Centered Image and Text on a button

    I can create a column with a button in it (Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.Button) and I can place both text and an image on the button.

     If the horizontal alignment is set to left for both the image and the button text, then the button text appears…

  • Display Multiple Lines in the UltraGrid Title

    I'm using the following code to dynamically build a ultragrid title:

                Me.ugContacts.Text = "Contacts (Records Returned = " + text(0) + " )"  + _
                                                        Environment.NewLine()                                           + _
                                                        "              (Records Loaded    = " + text(1) + " )"…

  • UltraGrid, how to lock cell data? - disable editing


    I want to disable cell editing after display.

    I try to set grid with default setting and add some rows via source code.

    At run time, when I double click cell, I can edit cell data. This sitation is not I want to.

    I want to lock the cell data.

  • Indentation issue

    Is it possible to format data in the win grid like excel.


    what i really want to do is to be able to indent data in a certain column a certain amount from the right. I am sure that the text can be aligned but can it be indented this way. Without…

  • Time control in grid

    Hai to all,

    I want to get the hours information (more than 24 hrs) in the grid cell. I m using date style. But it allow upto 23:59. Is it possible ?

  • UltraGridCell.Value does not change

    In my project, I bind UltraGrid to a DataView object. To edit one particular column, I want to show the user a drop-down list of values to choose from. Based on the values in another column, the values in the drop-down list may differ. So, in the BeforeCellActivate…