Gets/Sets whether to autogenerate the columns.
Gets/Sets the title to be displayed in the built-in column hiding UI.
Gets/Sets the title to be displayed in the UI of the column pinning.
Gets the row ID that is being dragged.
A template reference for the template when the filtered grid is empty.
A template reference for the template when the grid is empty.
Gets/Sets a custom template when empty.
Gets/Sets the styling classes applied to all even IgxGridRowComponent
s in the grid.
Emitted after filtering is performed.
The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering a header collapse indicator.
The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering a header expand indicator.
Gets/Sets a custom template when loading.
Gets/Sets the styling classes applied to all odd IgxGridRowComponent
s in the grid.
Emitted when IgxGridCellComponent
is clicked.
Emitted when cell has been edited.
Emitted when editing and not submitting the value.
Emitted when cell enters edit mode.
Emitted when a column is initialized.
Emitted during the column moving operation.
Emitted when column moving ends.
Emitted when column moving starts.
Emitted when IgxColumnComponent
is pinned.
Emitted when column is resized.
Emitted when IgxColumnComponent
is selected.
Emitted when column visibility is changed.
Emitted when a cell is right clicked.
Emitted when a new chunk of data is loaded from virtualization.
Emitted when a cell is double clicked.
Emitted when filtering is performed through the UI.
Emitted when a copy operation is executed.
Emitted when keydown is triggered over element inside grid's body.
Emitted when paging is performed.
Emitted when making a range selection.
Emitted when a row added through the API.
Emitted when a row is deleted through API.
Emitted when dropping a row.
Emitted when start dragging a row.
Emitted when exiting edit mode for a row.
Emitted when row editing is canceled.
Emitted when a row enters edit mode.
Emitted when the pinned state of a row is changed.
Emitted when IgxGridRowComponent
is selected.
Emitted when the expanded state of a row gets changed.
Emitted when IgxGridCellComponent
is selected.
Emitted when sorting is performed through the UI.
Emitted when an export process is initiated by the user.
Emitted after the current page is changed.
Gets/Sets a custom ng-template
for the pagination UI of the grid.
Emitted when perPage
property value of the grid is changed.
Gets/Sets the primary key.
The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering a row collapse indicator.
The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering a row expand indicator.
Gets/Sets whether the columns should be auto-generated once again after the initialization of the grid
Emitted before sorting is performed.
Provides access to the IgxToolbarComponent
Gets/Sets a unique values strategy used by the Excel Style Filtering
Gets/Sets the advanced filtering state.
Gets/Sets the advanced filtering state.
Gets/Sets a value indicating whether the advanced filtering is enabled.
Gets/Sets a value indicating whether the advanced filtering is enabled.
Gets/Sets if the filtering is enabled.
Gets/Sets if the filtering is enabled.
Gets/Sets cell selection mode.
Gets/Sets cell selection mode.
Gets/Sets whether the column hiding UI is enabled.
Gets/Sets whether the column hiding UI is enabled.
Gets/Sets if the built-in column pinning UI should be shown in the toolbar.
Gets/Sets if the built-in column pinning UI should be shown in the toolbar.
Gets/Sets column selection mode
Gets/Sets column selection mode
Gets/Sets the default width of the columns.
Gets/Sets the default width of the columns.
Gets an array of IgxColumnComponent
Returns an array of data set to the IgxHierarchicalGridComponent
let filteredData = this.grid.filteredData;
An @Input property that lets you fill the IgxHierarchicalGridComponent
with an array of data.
<igx-hierarchical-grid [data]="Data" [autoGenerate]="true"></igx-hierarchical-grid>
A list of currently rendered IgxGridRowComponent
Returns the currently transformed paged/filtered/sorted/grouped/pinned/unpinned row data, displayed in the grid.
Returns the IgxGridHeaderGroupComponent
's minimum allowed width.
Gets the default row height.
Returns the theme of the component.
The default theme is comfortable
Available options are comfortable
, cosy
, compact
let componentTheme = this.component.displayDensity;
Sets the theme of the component.
The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering the row drag indicator icon
The custom template, if any, that should be used when rendering the row drag indicator icon
Gets/Sets the message displayed when there are no records and the grid is filtered.
Gets/Sets the message displayed when there are no records and the grid is filtered.
Get/Sets the message displayed when there are no records.
Get/Sets the message displayed when there are no records.
Gets if all immediate children of the IgxHierarchicalGridComponent
previously have been set to be expanded/collapsed.
If previously set and some rows have been manually expanded/collapsed it will still return the last set value.
const expanded = this.grid.expandChildren;
Sets if all immediate children of the IgxHierarchicalGridComponent
should be expanded/collapsed.
Defult value is false.
<igx-hierarchical-grid [id]="'igx-grid-1'" [data]="Data" [autoGenerate]="true" [expandChildren]="true"></igx-hierarchical-grid>
Gets/Sets a list of key-value pairs [row ID, expansion state].
Gets/Sets a list of key-value pairs [row ID, expansion state].
Gets/Sets whether the option for exporting to CSV is enabled or disabled.
<igx-grid [data]="localData" [showToolbar]="true" [autoGenerate]="true" [exportCsv]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets whether the option for exporting to CSV is enabled or disabled.
<igx-grid [data]="localData" [showToolbar]="true" [autoGenerate]="true" [exportCsv]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets the textual content for the CSV export button.
Gets/Sets the textual content for the CSV export button.
Gets/Sets whether exporting to MS Excel is enabled or disabled.
Gets/Sets whether exporting to MS Excel is enabled or disabled.
Gets/Sets the textual content for the MS Excel export button.
<igx-grid [exportExcelText]="'My Excel Exporter" [showToolbar]="true" [exportText]="'My Exporter'" [exportCsv]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets the textual content for the MS Excel export button.
<igx-grid [exportExcelText]="'My Excel Exporter" [showToolbar]="true" [exportText]="'My Exporter'" [exportCsv]="true"></igx-grid>
Gets/Sets the textual content for the main export button.
Gets/Sets the textual content for the main export button.
A list of all IgxGridFilteringCellComponent
Gets/Sets the filter mode.
Gets/Sets the filter mode.
Gets/Sets the filtering strategy of the grid.
Gets/Sets the filtering strategy of the grid.
Returns an array of objects containing the filtered data in the IgxHierarchicalGridComponent
let filteredData = this.grid.filteredData;
Sets an array of objects containing the filtered data in the IgxHierarchicalGridComponent
this.grid.filteredData = [{
ID: 1,
Name: "A"
Returns an array containing the filtered sorted data.
Gets/Sets the filtering state.
Gets/Sets the filtering state.
Gets/Sets the filtering logic of the IgxGridComponent
Gets/Sets the filtering logic of the IgxGridComponent
Gets the unique identifier of the parent row. It may be a string
or number
if primaryKey
of the
parent grid is set or an object reference of the parent record otherwise.
const foreignKey = this.grid.foreignKey;
Returns if the IgxGridComponent
has column groups.
Returns if the IgxGridComponent
has column layouts for multi-row layout definition.
Returns if the IgxGridComponent
has editable columns.
Returns if the IgxGridComponent
has fiterable columns.
Returns if the IgxGridComponent
has moveable columns.
Returns if the IgxGridComponent
has sortable columns.
Returns if the IgxGridComponent
has summarized columns.
A list of all IgxGridHeaderComponent
A list of all IgxGridHeaderGroupComponent
Gets the width of the header.
Gets/Sets the height.
Gets/Sets the height.
Gets the number of hidden columns.
Gets/Sets the text to be displayed inside the toggle button.
Gets/Sets the text to be displayed inside the toggle button.
Gets/Sets if the row selectors are hidden.
Gets/Sets if the row selectors are hidden.
Gets/Sets the value of the id
Gets/Sets the value of the id
Gets if the current page is the first page.
Returns if the current page is the last page.
Gets/Sets whether the grid is going to show a loading indicator.
Gets/Sets whether the grid is going to show a loading indicator.
Gets/Sets the locale.
Gets/Sets the locale.
Gets the native element.
Gets the outlet used to attach the grid's overlays to.
Sets the outlet used to attach the grid's overlays to.
Gets/Sets the current page index.
Gets/Sets the current page index.
Gets/Sets whether the paging feature is enabled.
Gets/Sets whether the paging feature is enabled.
Gets/Sets the number of visible items per page.
Gets/Sets the number of visible items per page.
Gets an array of the pinned IgxColumnComponent
Gets/Sets the text to be displayed inside the toggle button.
Gets/Sets the text to be displayed inside the toggle button.
Returns the currently transformed paged/filtered/sorted/grouped pinned row data, displayed in the grid.
Gets an array of the pinned IgxRowComponent
Gets the current width of the container for the pinned IgxColumnComponent
Gets/Sets the initial pinning configuration.
Gets/Sets the initial pinning configuration.
Gets/Sets the resource strings.
Gets/Sets the resource strings.
Gets/Sets whether rows can be moved.
Gets/Sets whether rows can be moved.
Gets/Sets whether the rows are editable.
Gets/Sets whether the rows are editable.
Gets/Sets the row height.
Gets/Sets the row height.
A list of IgxGridRowComponent
Gets/Sets row selection mode
Gets/Sets row selection mode
Returns an array of the selected IgxGridCellComponent
Gets/Sets whether the toolbar is shown.
Gets/Sets whether the toolbar is shown.
Gets/Sets the sorting strategy of the grid.
Gets/Sets the sorting strategy of the grid.
Gets/Sets the sorting state.
Gets/Sets the sorting state.
Gets/Sets the summary calculation mode.
Gets/Sets the summary calculation mode.
Gets/Sets the summary position.
Gets/Sets the summary position.
Returns the template which will be used by the toolbar to show custom content.
Gets/Sets the toolbar's title.
Gets/Sets the toolbar's title.
Gets the total number of pages.
Returns the total number of records.
Returns the total number of records.
Returns the total width of the IgxGridComponent
Get transactions service for the grid.
Gets an array of unpinned IgxColumnComponent
Returns currently transformed paged/filtered/sorted/grouped unpinned row data, displayed in the grid.
Gets the current width of the container for the unpinned IgxColumnComponent
Returns an array of visible IgxColumnComponent
Gets/Sets the width of the grid.
Gets/Sets the width of the grid.
Creates a new IgxGridRowComponent
and adds the data record to the end of the data source.
If name is provided, clears the filtering state of the corresponding IgxColumnComponent
Removes all the highlights in the cell.
If name is provided, clears the sorting state of the corresponding IgxColumnComponent
Closes the advanced filtering dialog.
indicates whether the changes should be applied
Collapses all rows.
Collapses the row by its id.
The row id - primaryKey value or the data record instance.
Removes the IgxGridRowComponent
and the corresponding data record by primary key.
Deselects all columns
Deselects all rows
Deselect specified columns by filed.
Deselect specified rows by ID.
Disable summaries for the specified column.
Enables summaries for the specified column and applies your customSummary.
Finishes the row transactions on the current row.
Expands all rows.
Expands the row by its id.
The row id - primaryKey value or the data record instance.
Filters a single IgxColumnComponent
Filters all the IgxColumnComponent
in the IgxGridComponent
with the same condition.
Finds the next occurrence of a given string in the grid and scrolls to the cell if it isn't visible.
the string to search.
optionally, if the search should be case sensitive (defaults to false).
optionally, if the text should match the entire value (defaults to false).
Finds the previous occurrence of a given string in the grid and scrolls to the cell if it isn't visible.
the string to search.
optionally, if the search should be case sensitive (defaults to false).
optionally, if the text should match the entire value (defaults to false).
Returns the IgxGridCellComponent
that matches the conditions.
Returns an IgxGridCellComponent
object by the specified primary key and column field.
match any rowID
Returns the IgxColumnComponent
by field name.
Gets the width
to be set on IgxGridHeaderGroupComponent
Returns ICellPosition
which defines the next cell,
according to the current position, that match specific criteria.
Gets calculated width of the pinned area.
If we should take into account the hidden columns in the pinned area.
Returns ICellPosition
which defines the previous cell,
according to the current position, that match specific criteria.
Returns the IgxRowDirective
by index.
Returns IgxGridRowComponent
object by the specified primary key .
Returns an array of the current columns selection in the form of [{ column.field: cell.value }, ...]
Returns an array of the current cell selection in the form of [{ column.field: cell.value }, ...]
Returns whether the record is pinned or not.
Index of the record in the filteredSortedData
Manually marks the IgxGridComponent
for change detection.
Moves a column to the specified drop target.
Navigates to a position in the grid based on provided rowindex
and visibleColumnIndex
Goes to the next page, if the grid is not already at the last page.
Opens the advanced filtering dialog.
Goes to the desired page index.
Pins a column by field name.
Pin the row by its id.
The row id - primaryKey value or the data record instance.
The index at which to insert the row in the pinned collection.
Goes to the previous page, if the grid is not already at the first page.
Recalculates grid width/height dimensions.
Reapplies the existing search.
Selects all columns
Selects all rows
Select specified columns.
if true clears the current selection
Select specified rows by ID.
if true clears the current selection
Get current selected columns.
Get current selection state.
Sort a single IgxColumnComponent
Toggles the specified column's visibility.
Toggles the row by its id.
The row id - primaryKey value or the data record instance.
Unpins a column by field name. Returns whether the operation is successful.
Unpin the row by its id.
The row id - primaryKey value or the data record instance.
Updates the IgxGridRowComponent
and the corresponding data record by primary key.
the new value which is to be set.
corresponds to rowID.
corresponds to column field.
Updates the IgxGridRowComponent
correspond to rowID
Controls the copy behavior of the grid.
Apply the columns formatters (if any) on the data in the clipboard output.
Include the columns headers in the clipboard output.
Enables/disables the copy behavior
The separator used for formatting the copy output. Defaults to \t
Emitted after advanced filtering is performed.
Returns the advanced filtering expressions tree.
<igx-grid #grid [data]="localData" [height]="'305px'" [autoGenerate]="true" (advancedFilteringExpressionsTreeChange)="advancedFilteringExprTreeChange($event)"></igx-grid>