3 New Silverlight Data Visualization 2009.2 Videos

Craig Shoemaker / Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The upcoming release of our Silverlight Data Visualization controls includes a host of new features and controls. Here are some videos to get you started:

Using Spatial Data in the XamWebMap

This video takes you through the process of reading spatial data out of a XML file, serving it to the control through a WCF service and loading the map with the Infragistics SqlShapeReader. The code in this video is more extensive than in most videos – so I have most of the infrastructure pre-prepared. In reality the code needed specifically for the XamWebMap is quite simple, this demo simply attempts to show you something that gets close to a real-world implementation.

To get up to speed on the particulars involved in creating a WCF service that play nice with Silverlight, check out the resources from this search.

Using Geographical Information with the XamWebMap

In this video you learn to use latitude and longitude data to plot locations on the XamWebMap. The source for the map is the OpenStreeMap, but if you have a developer key you can also integrate with Bing maps.

Introduction to the XamWebBulletGraph Control

The bullet graph control gives you an easy way to visualize a given value against quantitative data against qualitative measures. Here I setup three measures to indicate the “quality rating” of the plotted value. I also add in a quantitative measure to show the target range for the data item.

If it sounds a little convoluted, fear not, the video explains all the details.

The code for all the videos is available here.
