Getting Started with NetAdvantage for Silverlight 2009 Vol 1

Craig Shoemaker / Friday, July 24, 2009

The coming release of the Silverlight line-of-business toolset brings a number of rich controls to the Silverlight development arena. To get you up and running with the controls I am pleased to present a handful of screen casts that help get you started in the Silverlight Commanding Framework and the xamWebGrid.

Commanding Framework

A feature native to WPF, but still missing from Silverlight, is a commanding framework. Commands help decouple the UI from explicit implementations as well as provide flexibility to hook into any “commanded” action in the application. The latest release of our Silverlight controls features a fully featured commanding framework for Silverlight. Check out the following video which demonstrates how to use the framework to build a page constructed with MVVM:

 Using the Silverlight Commanding Framework with Model-View-ViewModel: Learn to implement a MVVM page that uses the Silverlight commanding framework to handle events on the page. Learn to sub-class CommandBase, implement the ICommandTarget interface and how to build a concrete command class while keeping all business logic in the ViewModel.


The staple control of our toolset is always the grid control. The following videos take you into many aspects of the grid.

Getting Started

 Overview of Basic xamWebGrid Behaviors: Watch an overview of some of the basic behaviors of the xamWebGrid.
 Add Silverlight Controls to the Visual Studio Toolbox: If you don’t see the Infragistics Silverlight tools in the tool box in Visual Studio, this video demonstrates how to make the controls available in the toolbox.


 Introduction to xamWebGrid Template Columns: Learn to create template columns in the xamWebDataGrid.
 Introduction to xamWebGrid Column Moving: Learn the basics of the column moving behavior in the xamWebGrid.
 Introduction to xamWebGrid Fixed Columns: Learn how to customize the fixed column settings on the xamWebGrid.


 Overview of xamWebGrid Row Customizations: Learn how to work with the alternate row style, row hover and row selection behaviors.


 Edit to xamWebGrid Cell Styles in Expression Blend: Learn to edit data inside the xamWebGrid. See what options are available for the editing experience.
 Conditional Cell Formatting in the xamWebGrid: Learn how to conditionally change the style of a xamWebGrid cell.


 Introduction to xamWebGrid Sorting: Learn to enable and customize the sorting behavior.
 Customizing xamWebGrid Paging Template: Learn to customize the xamWebGrid paging template. See how to add controls to the template and how to use the Infragistics Silverlight Commanding Framework to power common paging behaviors.
 Customizing xamWebGrid GroupBy Headers: Learn to enable and customize the GroupBy headers. See how to add an item count next to the group header.
 Using xamWebGrid Edit Mode Events: Learn to use the CellEnteredEditMode and CellExitingEditMode events to fill a ComboBox inside an edit template. See how this approach greatly simplifies data binding to a ComboBox within the grid.
 Introduction to xamWebGrid Edit Behaviors: Learn to edit data inside the xamWebGrid. See what options are available for the editing experience.

If you don’t see something here that you think would make a good screen cast, please leave a comment below!