WebDataGrid Basics

Craig Shoemaker / Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Some of our customers are seasoned development veterans that bear the scars of years (or perhaps decades) of deadlines, bug reports and code in production. These veterans exist widely among our customer base, but they are not alone. Other customers approach our toolset not only new to Infragistics, but new to .NET and sometimes even new to development as a whole. In an effort to close the gap of information available to our customers, I’ll be posting links in the coming weeks featuring videos and articles that I produce for those of us who are just starting out.

The first batch of content features the WebDataGrid. Starting with this control makes sense, because in a way, we are all newbies to this new control. Looking toward the future, if there is any topic on the WebDataGrid or any other control that you feel is underserved either on the community site or in the product documentation, please comment below!

WebDataGrid 101: Fill the Grid with Data and Change the Look and Feel

WebDataGrid 101: Fill the Grid with Data and Change the Look and Feel

Learn the very basics of working with the WebDataGrid. In this tutorial you learn to:

  • Get the grid on your page
  • Bind to a data source
  • Create custom column definitions
  • Quickly change the look and feel of the grid
Data Binding the WebDataGrid to Common Data Sources

Data Binding the WebDataGrid to Common Data Sources

Learn how to bind data to the WebDataGrid using the following data sources:

  • Custom Object Collections
  • ObjectDataSource
  • SqlDataSource