Log in to like this post! Developer News - What's IN with the Infragistics Community? (1/19-1/25) Dara Monasch / Tuesday, January 27, 2015 ASP.NET, jQuery, and Javascript, this past week's Developer News is all over the map! No matter what platform you code in, we've got something cool and new for you to check out... OR check out our most popular article and figure out what programming language you want to focus on perfecting in 2015! 4. Anti Forgery Tokens with AngularJS and ASP.NET Web API (Frez) 3. Important Tips Every jQuery Developer Should Know (DotNetCurry) 2. Backbone vs Knockout - A Basic Guide on Understanding JavaScript Frameworks (Web Designer Pad) 1. 15 Programming Languages You Need to Know in 2015 (Mashable)