Developer News - What's IN with the Infragistics Community? (10/27-11/2)

Dara Monasch / Tuesday, November 4, 2014

This week is chock full of tutorials and inspiration, so what are you waiting for? Check out the most popular news from the past 7 days in the Infragistics Community!

5. 30 Fantastic Examples of Parallax Scrolling Websites (Inspiration)

4. How Much Do Coders Make? Data From Around the Country (Tech News & Analysis)

3. Oh, Snap! '90s Web Design is Hot Again (Fast Company)

2. Learning a second programming language? Try these 5 sites! (InfoWorld)

1. This isn't a Thumbdrive, it's a PC That Weighs Less than 2 Ounces and Works in any HDMI Port... (Geek)