Best Practices for High-Performing Web Apps (Infragistics Podcast, Ep 7)

Infragistics Team / Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Update: The Infragistics podcast has been discontinued.

On the latest episode of the Infragistics Podcast, Elden Nelson talks with James Bender, product manager for Ignite UI at Infragistics, who shares his three top tips for building web apps.

Drawing on his consulting background, James shares some best practices for planning your project, thinking about your data, and thinking about performance, plus a bonus fourth tip for thinking about your end user.

“I’ve worked in all kinds of different industries,” James says. “And what I have found is that there are some fundamental things in building a website that don’t change, no matter where you go or what your situation is.”

James offers examples — both of what to do and what not to do — based on clients and situations he’s worked with in the past. How can you make your Agile development process more efficient with a bit of upfront planning? What are some easily overlooked issues that can bring your website to a grinding halt? What are some of the key differences in approach between greenfield and brownfield projects?

From security to data caching, James provides insights on how to make the most of your development resources to create web apps that users will love. Tune in to the Infragistics Podcast to learn more.