SharePlus v3.0: Mobile SharePoint for the iPad - Available for Download in App Store

Jason Beres [Infragistics] / Tuesday, March 27, 2012

 I am very pleased to announce that SharePlus v3.0 is available for immediate download in the Apple App Store.  I previously blogged a list of the features we were shipping in v3.0, here is a quick recap of that blog post:





Verify connection button

Email Viewer

Contextual Menus

Web View

Account Management

Rich Text Editor


Asynchronous Backend


Picture Swipe  

Quick Links / Power Favorites  

Disable Auto-Lock  

Web App based Edit  

Offline filter & sorting  

Offline search    

Advanced List Search    

Enterprise Search    

User Profiles Search & Detail    

Permission based hiding    

Configurable URL Based help    


Today, March 27th, we are delivering 2 live webinars which will talk about the new features in SharePlus v3.0, to register for one of the webinars, go to the Webinars page and select the best time for you:

Thanks to all of the support we continue to get for this product, and the invaluable feedback we are getting from customers which is driving the roadmap and the future of SharePlus.  This week we are finalizing the roadmaps for the next few releases in 2012, stay tuned to the blogs for more details.


Jason & the SharePlus Team