CodeCamp Macedonia ‘13 – Event Recap

[Infragistics] Mihail Mateev / Monday, December 16, 2013

Infragistics was a gold  sponsor of CodeCamp Macedonia ‘13 . Company also  provided licenses and other swags for the event raffle. Infragistics also was presented at by Damyan Petev and  me ( as a speaker).

The event was help on Saturday, 14 of December 2013 in Skopje, Macedonia.

Conference was organized from  MkNET User Group supported by Infragistics and many other sponsors.


Some statistic

  • Around 700 attendees
  • Fifth CodeCamp in Macedonia 
  • The biggest IT event in Macedonia
  • The biggest free event for IT in Macedonia
  • 20 sessions in 4 tracks
  • Attendees from 4 countries (Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia  and Bulgaria  )
  • 18 speakers from 4 countries ( Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia  and Bulgaria )


Infragistics participation in the event:

The conference schedule is available here:




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