Log in to like this post! What's New in IG Test Automation 2014.2 Michael Germann / Thursday, November 13, 2014 The primary focus for Infragistics Test Automation is to offer you peace of mind. Such that when you develop with our controls, your teams can seamlessly implement automated testing of the user interface (UI) to confidently produce higher-quality releases. IG Test Automation, currently supports our Windows Forms controls via HP’s Unified Functional Testing (UFT) and IBM’s Rational Functional Tester (RFT). As IG Test Automation’s purpose is to automate tests of the UI of applications using IG controls, this what’s new will start off with the new controls, it should be noted that CTP controls are typically not supported until full release. I will follow with changes in existing controls that had changes that would affect how the UI behaved, lastly I will list any improvements to IG Test Automation that is not dependant upon the controls. New Infragistics Controls IG Windows Form’s UltraWinCarousel The UltraCarousel is similar to our XamlCarousel. A list of items are displayed for the user in a tile-like fashion along a predefined path. The control will allow the user to activate an item and navigate from one active item to another with animation. In addition it will allow the developer to provide a custom path for the items to be rendered on. IG Control’s with UI altering Improvements More Right to Left support We started in 14.1 introducing Right to Left support in our of our editor controls. In 14.2 we expanded our right to left support to include the following controls. UltraWinTree UltraWinGrid IG Windows Form’s UltraPivotGrid New to the UltraPivotgrid UI functionality was the ability to resize the row headers, and a sleek Resizable row headers, and as the sleek new CompactView. Improved Touch Support We have been adding touch support to our WindowsForms UI controls for several releases now, and while neither HP or RFT directly support them. We do record and replay the basic touch interactions as those interactions also trigger our non-touch based events. Such that if you touch a cell in a WinGrid to activate it, it records ActivateCell, touch a button, the Click event fires, etc. We record those interactions and can replay them. IG Test Automation improvements For those familiar with IG TestAutomation, you have likely used our property access methods. GetNAProperty, SetNAProperty, and GetNAProperties. if not essentially what they allow you to do is to dig into the public property structure of the control you are interacting with. We created it for HP Window's Forms support and expanded it in the WPF support to include custom properties, which essentially are properties that don't exist on the object, but we created to help expose commonly requested data. We merged that capability back to the WindowsForms so that we might be able to create custom properties for those controls as well. To start we added a few available on every object type, ToString which essentially calls the ToString method on the object so that you may better interrogate it, and Type which returns the System.Type on the object type. Download the free trial of IG TestAutomation for HP 14.2 http://www.infragistics.com/products/windows-forms-test-automation-for-hp/download Download the free trial of IG TestAutomation for IBM RFT 14.2 http://www.infragistics.com/products/windows-forms-test-automation-for-ibm/download