What's New in NetAdvantage Reporting 2012 Volume 1

Juan Pablo Ayala / Thursday, May 10, 2012

Topic Overview


This topic introduces the new features available in the 2012 Volume 1 release of NetAdvantage® Reporting.


New Features

Features Overview

Below you can find the summary of the new features found in the NetAdvantage Reporting 2012 Volume 1 release. These features are explored in detail later in this blog post.

  • New  HTML5 Report Viewer - Render your reports in Web Applications and display them on your desktop or touch devices like the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.
  • Report Connection Providers - Change the connection string of a report’s SQL data source at run-time using  Report Database Connection Providers.
  • Report URI Resolver -  Specify how report definitions are loaded by implementing a Report URI Resolver.
  • Multi-touch interaction support -  Render reports on iOS devices with full multi-touch gesture interaction support using the HTML5 Report Viewer. Also, new with this release is multi-touch gesture support for WPF, WinForms and Silverlight's Report viewers.


New HTML5 Report Viewer

Designed to offer an enhanced user experience, NetAdvantage Reporting’s HTML5 Report Viewer renders reports within web applications, supports server-side rendering, as well as retrieving reports from a reporting service. A floating toolbar and multi-touch support delivers users of multi-touch devices access to all the functionality necessary to interact with the report; providing a truly interactive experience 

NetAdvantage Reporting supports ThemeRoller, a jQuery UI tool for creating custom themes compatible with jQuery UI widgets. Numerous themes are available for download and easily integrated into your application, to style the HTML5 Report Viewer.

The images below show the Blitzer and UI lightness JQuery UI themes applied to the HTML5 Report Viewer.

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Report Connection Providers

Occasionally, you may need to switch your report’s data source connection string at run-time, not by changing the structure of the data source or how the data is retrieved but, by changing the database to which you establish your connection, how you do it, or both. 
Following the same pattern as the Run-time Data Source Providers, you link the Report Connection Provider to your report. When rendering the report the engine looks for its related Connection Providers and loads the connection from them.

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Report Uri Resolver

NetAdvantage Reporting allows you to customize how reports are loaded at run-time. The Report Uri Resolver allows you to anticipate the Report Viewer default resolution and implement your own loading method.
When rendering a report, the engine executes all registered Uri Resolvers allowing you to customize how the report loads. Additionally, when using client-side rendering reports can be passed as stream directly to the XAML Report Viewer.

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Multi-touch interaction support

The HTML5 Report Viewer can be used to render reports in touch devices. Apple’s iPad®, iPhone®, iPod® touch along with iOS5 and higher support using multi-touch gestures to interact with your reports.
The XAML Report Viewer introduces multi-touch gestures for Windows based touch devices running Windows 7 or higher.

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