Heading to India on Friday

Sara Faatz / Friday, April 9, 2010

This weekend, Jason Beres, Dean Guida and I will be traveling to India.  While it will be a long journey, it is going to be well worth it!   


We are sponsoring the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 launch in cities around the globe and will have a large presence at the launch in Bangalore at TechEd India.  We are a bronze sponsor of the event and will be cohabitating in a booth with the wonderful folks from Pluralsight.  At any given time throughout the week you’ll be able to find me, Jason, Dean and our colleagues from our India office at the booth, on the show floor or in sessions.  In fact, our very own Vic Parmar is delivering a session on Monday entitled “Silverlight for Windows Mobile.” 


Plus, we are also co-sponsors of the Microsoft Influencers Party on Tuesday night for Microsoft MVPs, RDs, user group leaders, speakers, and other influencers. 


If you are going to be at TechEd India – definitely come by and say “hi.” We’d love to chat with you!

After TechEd is over we are staying on to host our third Private Library event – Private Library Bangalore.  As with each of the cities, we are stoked about our lineup of expert speakers.  Bangalore panelists include Supreet Singh (User Experience Evangelist, Microsoft), Sudhindra Venkatesha Murthy (Centre of Excellence Lead, Human Factors International) and Shiv Sivaguru (Head, Engineering Excellence Group, HCL Technologies Ltd.).   After the event I will do a combined wrap up about both the New York event and Bangalore.  We have some killer footage from the New York event and hope to have the same from Bangalore.


And if that’s not enough, I think we are going to squeeze in a little sightseeing while we are there, too!  Our flights are routed through Delhi, so we are going to head down to Agra to see the Taj Mahal.  I’ve never seen it in person and am really looking forward to it.  Will definitely post some pictures!