Office-Inspired Apps Made Easy with Infragistics Infragistics Videos / Wed, Jun 24, 2015 It’s common sense: familiar apps get used more often. And apps that get used more often mean happy customers. So give your users what they’re used to with pixel-perfect applications that mimic the ones...
Build Office-Inspired UI with Infragistics WPF [Infragistics] Mihail Mateev / Tue, Jun 23, 2015 Apply tried and tested Office-like design and functionality to your applications with minimum effort and with great results. Build any type of business app with UI that will delight your users. The Infragistics...
Getting started with the Infragistics Windows Forms Ribbon [Infragistics] Mihail Mateev / Mon, Jun 22, 2015 So you want to build a flexible and highly functional Windows Forms app? Present your rich functionality to your users and create the best experience when you add our Toolbar Manager to your forms! It...
Getting Started with the xamDiagram Control Infragistics Videos / Mon, Jun 22, 2015 In this video we’re taking a closer look at the XamDiagram control that you can use to bring an Office-inspired look to your WPF applications. Let’s get started! [youtube] width="560" height="315"...
Infographic: Why You Should Build Office-Inspired Apps Jessica Skarzynski / Fri, Jun 12, 2015 Why do many custom-built apps fail? Because they aren't familiar to their users. Check out the infographic below for more information on why you should build Office-inspired apps, and how Infragistics...
The Future of WPF Beyond the .NET Framework 4.6 DevToolsGuy / Wed, Jun 10, 2015 Since WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) was introduced by Microsoft in 2006 as part of the .NET framework, the platform has been on the rise in popularity among Windows developers. However, the lack...