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UltraWebGridExcelExporter dont Export HMTL

Hi, when i Export my webdatagrid to Excel i got the following Output. Each Row has the following Output. How can i get only the Data?

<span id="USC_x1_WG_Mitarbeiterliste_it0_0_TemplateLabel"></span>
<span id="USC_x1_WG_Mitarbeiterliste_it1_0_TemplateLabel">test</span> 
<span id="USC_x1_WG_Mitarbeiterliste_it2_0_TemplateLabel">test1</span> 
<span id="USC_x1_WG_Mitarbeiterliste_it3_0_TemplateLabel">test2</span> 
<span id="USC_x1_WG_Mitarbeiterliste_it4_0_TemplateLabel">test3</span> 
<span id="USC_x1_WG_Mitarbeiterliste_it7_0_TemplateLabel">test4</span>

No Data
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