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Sharepoint Views and Shareplus


Is it possbible to have views created in Sharepoint surface on the navigation of shareplus. I just created a couple of sharepoint views, which are public and available to mobile devices but they do not appear in Shareplus.

Any advice would be appreciated. thanks.

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    Hi bmor,

    Thank you for posting at IG forums!

    What you describe may be a cache issue. Try tapping the Edit button.

    Then tap the list in which you have new views and tap the Reset Cache button.

    This will clear the cached data and will force the app to read the list's data again, including the views.

    *** WARNING ***

    Tapping Reset Cache will delete all synced data. This means that if you had this list with Offline Support enabled you will have to re-sync it in order to make it available for offline browsing.

    I hope this helps. Please post back if you need further assistance.

    Best regards,

    Javier da Rosa | Solutions Engineer | Customer Service
