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Open xlsx, docx files in SharePlus


I have on my iPad (iOS 7) SharePlus connected to our intranet SharePoints (SP 2007 and SP 2010). I can´t open direct from this app xlsx, docx documents. During openig of this documents I get a message "Sheet Office Open XLM". 

With xls, doc I have no problen open it.

Please can you hepl me?


  • 28945
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Juraj,

    Does this message appear in a message popup or in the content area of SharePlus? Please attach a screenshot of this if you can.

    Also, could you upload a file or two that reproduces this behavior? This will improve the accuracy of my test. 

    Which version of SharePlus are you currently using? You can find out by tapping settings within the left navigation.

    If you are unable to provide these files I recommend reproducing this behavior after enabling logs. After which, please attach any generated logs after you have reproduced the behavior to this thread. For instructions to obtain logs please review here:

    Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.


    A list of supported files can  be found on our forums as well. Xlsx and docx formats are supported.





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