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WebDropDown loosing it's position



i have a dropdown with a list of item (i built-it with a ListItem), when i type a letter corresponding to the start of a word all is working fine.  But when i type the second letter, the scrollbar go the the first item and if i take that scrollbar  and go to the item i can see that the item is selected but the dropdown is not displaying it correctly.  Any helps is appreciated.

Here is my html of my dropdown:

 <ig:WebDropDown ID="ddlEntrepreneur" runat="server" Width="223px" DropDownContainerHeight="0px"   EnableAnimations="false" TextField="Text" ValueField="Value" DisplayMode="DropDown"  TabIndex="6" EnableCustomValues="false" EnableAutoCompleteFirstMatch="true" ClientEvents-Blur="AutoCompleteValidation"  ClientEvents-Focus="FocusDropDownEntrepreneur"> <DropDownItemBinding TextField="Text" ValueField="Value" /> </ig:WebDropDown>

  • 7566

    Hello pberth,


    Thank you for contacting posting in our community. I reviewed your case according to the information provided

    In order to investigate it further I will need to provide me more details. Can you specify what do you have in the following methods:






    You can send the code sniped or to modify my sample which is attached here.  Detailed steps to reproduce including expected behavior of the application will be highly appreciated.


    Looking forward to hear from you.



    Georgi Sashev

    Developer Support Engineer

    Infragistics, Inc.
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