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New Appointment dialog from AppointmentDialogCore


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 I want to create a new appointment on a button click. Is it possible in this Application?

I tried instantiating AppointmentDialogCore but don't know how to bring up that UI and assign a string ID value (automatically from Infragistics).

Thanks and Regards,


  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Nag,

    Thank you for your post. It sounds like what you are trying to do is add an appointment to a XamSchedule and then open that appointment's dialog core. Please correct me if my impressions here are incorrect.

    To do this, I would recommend that you retrieve the DataManager from the schedule you are using, and then retrieve the DataConnector that the data manager is using. From the connector, you can retrieve the AppointmentItemsSource and add a new appointment to that. After adding the appointment, I would recommend calling DataManager.DisplayActivityDialog(myNewAppointment, frameworkElement fe) to open that appointment's dialog window. I have attached a sample project to demonstrate this. For the framework element in the method, I used "this" to have it opened by the main window.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

    Associate Developer
    Infragistics Inc.
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