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How to fix a vertical line in the center of the chart


I have a fixed vertical line that I called "focusLine".
"layout" is the x:name of the AbsoluteLayout in XAML.

var focusLine = new BoxView { Color = Color.Black };
            layout.Children.Add(focusLine,new Rectangle(0.5, 0, 1, 1),AbsoluteLayoutFlags.PositionProportional|AbsoluteLayoutFlags.HeightProportional);

I set the x position of new Rectangle to 0.5 that means vertical line appears in the middle of the AbsoluteLayout. Instead, I want to set the x position aligned with the center of the charts. See attachment please.

May you help me please?

  • 28945
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Joseph,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics. Our Xamarin charts do not expose value overlays and is considered a new product idea for this platform.

    You can suggest new product ideas for future versions by emailing

    Submitting your idea will send it directly to our product management team so that it can be imported into our new ideas community once live:

    Remember when submitting your idea to explain the context in which a feature would be used and why it is needed as well as anything that would prevent you from accomplishing this today. You can even add screenshots to build a stronger case.  You can also link back to this thread for additional details.
    Thank you in advance to submitting your product idea.

    I recommend following the examples in stack overflow or Xamarin's website.


    // sl is a StackLayout
    sl.Children.Add(new BoxView() { Color = Color.Black, WidthRequest = 2, HeightRequest = 100 });

    Let me know if you have any questions.


    Michael Di Filippo
    Associate Software Developer
    Infragistics, Inc.

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