wrap text around image control in C#.Net

crk / Friday, May 7, 2010


I am working on C#.DotNet windows application project, here i am using Infragistics control. In this project i want to add image over text control. This image contains two portion, 35% of image have white color another 65% of image have green color.In this image 2nd portion(green color) i have to display dynamic string , this string size may dynamically updating. But this string dont go first portion(white color) of image.

For that i am using UltraLabel control. I have add image in UltraLabel ImageBackground property and TextHAlign set as Right. But here small 15 charecter string means appear only second portion(green color), 20 charecter string means appeaer second & first portion. I don't want to display first portion of image.
