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  • Problem using List(of T) and BindingList

    I am using version 18.1 in Visual Studio 2019.  I created a brand new Visual Basic WinForms project using .Net Framework 4.7.2.  I have to use Visual Basic due to an existing project I am working on.  This is just a test to try and get it working.

    I have…

  • Ultragrid : Databind with a BindingList or BindingSource and Sort operations


    I'm using an UltraWinGrid that I bind to a BindingSource.  This BindingSource is then bound to a BindingList.

    I then sort the data in the grid using the column headers.  I'm wondering what is the behavior that I should expect; does the UltraGrid…

  • Binding with BindingList<T> doesnt raise list events


    I'm using BindingList<CustomObject> as a datasource to my grid, but when adding a new row the ListChangedEvent of the underlying bindinglist is not raised.


  • Building a stand alone Winforms App. Need help

    I am building an app that does not get installed.  The user basically downloads the app's zip file and runs from the directory.  I set the build of the project to include ALL .dlls necessary to run minus the .Net framework which is already installed…

  • XamDataGrid 101, Part 3 - Data Binding Basics

    I love the XamDataGrid. I confess. It is an amazing control. There is so much I could tell you about it. So I’ve decided to dedicate another blog to show you the cool things this control can do with data.
    One queston users often ask is how do they…
  • UltraGrid and a List<T> data source


    I have a List<MyDataObject> and I want to feed it to an UltraGrid to display (yes, display only, no editing) a row per item of the list. I thought I could just add a few columns and tell the column which member of MyDataObject to display, but…

  • Updating property in BindingList<T> doesn't update Grid

    I just made a simple project demoing this if y'all would like to take a look (see attached .zip file).

    But here's the basic setup (code omitted for brevity):

      Public Class Greeting
        Public Property Greeting As String
        Public Property…
  • BindingList and expand icon

    I am binding my ultratree to a BindingList.  I have parent items and children items.  The problem is that the children items have an expand icon when they do not have any children.  Can anyone shed light why the expand icon show up on the children items…
  • Strange WinTree binding behavior?

    I thought I understood the binding behavior of the tree, and what kind of data the tree expects to bind.  Until now, I've had no issues using the cascading levels of BindingList<>.  For example, I had no issues binding my custom data and generating…

  • Data binding and Label editing problem

    Hi, I am having problems getting items on UltraTree to enter edit moode.

    I have set

       m_ultraTree.DataSource = new AList();


    this gives me a two level tree, adding and removing items to the  Alist instance causes items to appear on the Tree.

    Now I wish…

  • UltraTree binding list order


    I have an UltraTree binded to an object wich is composed of 8 List<MyObject> (myListA, myListB,myListC...).

    I set the binding and my tree looks like this:

    -- List 1

         --MyObject 11


    -- List 2

       --MyObject 21



  • Re: how to bind WinTree from instance Class

    Hi Mike,

    I was interested in that as well and tried it yesterday. When I passed only a simple BindingList<T> to the UltraTree it worked well. But then I tried it with a hierarchical list and all I saw was the root nodes collection. Probably I have some…