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  • Re: Wrong edit format for decimal BoundDataField on webDataGrid

    Hi! I have the same problem...

    With a NumericEditProvider in a WebGridColumn wich has a source column with 6 decimals (EJ: 49,123456). We use Culture="es-UY", wich use the "," as decimal separator simbol.

    I have an unexpected behavior…

  • Re: Pasting multiple new rows

    Hello Suresh,

    Sorry for the broken links. This thread is over 4 years old and there have been some changes to the help system since.

    Here is a recent landing page for the clipboard behavior, which contents all of the essential info to get you start…

  • TextColumn Validation - Dynamic Columns


    I'm building the grid dynamically 

    Like that        

    columns.Add(new TextColumn { Key = string.Format("[{0}]", key), HeaderText = key});

    My xaml Looks like:

    <ig:XamGrid Name="grid" AutoGenerateColumns="false" ItemsSource="{Binding Path…

  • Filtering on template column


    I am having a problem with the display of the filter menu items on some of our columns.  The situation is we have some template columns which contain dropdowns.  The key for the column is the identity field and we bind the dropdown display to a descriptive…