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  • UltraWebTree v10.3 - update ig_webtree.js

    Taking a shot in the dark...I know this is an old, unsupported version and control but I am so close to getting this huge application working in Google Chrome I just have to give it a shot. So right now the app works fine in IE but some nodes do NOT trigger…

  • Set Behavioral Property with JavaScript or Cancel Drop Event


    I have a tree that has Drag & Drop enabled by default, but I want to the user to be able to toggle this functionality on and off without having to postback.  I've worked with Infragistics controls for a while now, but have pretty much always…

  • Can get the value of the seleceted UltraWebTree's node with javascript?

    I can get the name of the selected UltraWebTree's node  with javascript, for example:

        function NodeClick(treeId,nodeId)  
            var node = igtree_getNodeById(nodeId);
            if(node == null)
            var nodename=node.getText();         

    so now,I want to get…

  • tree.getNodeById not working

    I am using the Infragistics Build Version: 7.3.20073.1043 WebTree control. In the NodeChecked event handler, I'm using the client side getNodeById function of the tree control in the javascript. My code is as follows:

    function folio_NodeChecked(treeId…

  • Resizing Tree in Firefox


    Using the information in the thread at, I've been able to get a WebTree to resize from client-side Javascript in Internet Explorer, but the same method does not work with Firefox, I have not tried Safari…

  • Re: How to make the all child nodes checked when the parent node is checked with Javascript?

     Hey tianshuo,

    You can mess around with the following code snippets to come up with a solution for your request.
    If none of these help, please post your code and I will gladly help you as best I can.

    to get an instance of the Tree you can do this in BLOCKED…

  • How to check expanded mode of Node in Ultrawebtree using javascript

    Hi Guyz,

    THanks in advance for replying me.

    I want to check the mode of each node using javascript.I mean node is in expanded mode or collapse mode.Please let me know if any one have any idea about it.

  • UltraWebTree doesn't work in SP2010 dialog box


    I'm having an issue with using an UltraWebTree object inside a SharePoint 2010 Beta 2 dialog box.  Due to how SharePoint's dialog framework works, the tree is pulled out of the aspnetForm in the DOM whenever the dialog is opened.  To compensate…

  • Set server-side "SelectedNode" object to null by javascript

    Hi guys,

    The behavior I want to implement is "Reset" the UltraWebTree on Client-side.It means collapse all nodes and clear selectedNode by javascript.

    My problem is my javascript method can't change the SelectedNode object to null on Server-s…

  • WebTree expand and collapse in Conditional Update Panel

    I have two web trees in a page. One of the trees is inside a conditional update panel. The other tree is placed outside the panel. When the page loads for the first time every thing works fine. But when the conditional ajax update panel is updated, the…

  • WebTree's Node Check Box From ClientSide AddChild Method

    I am trying to add a checkbox to a node in the tree. The nodes are being added to the tree from the javascript.


    var loNewNode = loWebTreeNode.addChild("Node Name");

    How can I enable the check box from the client side (without inserting in…