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  • UltraCombo with Dictionary as Datasource


    We use a UltraCombo as follow:

    Dim list As New Dictionoray(Of Object, String)
    list.Add(22, "two")
    list.Add(33, "three")
    cbo.DropDownStyle = DropDownList
    cbo.DataSource = list
    cbo.DisplayMember = "Value"
    cbo.ValueMeber = "Key…

  • Combo Text Cleared but grid row location is still same


    i'm having an ultra combo with several columns. when typing the text in the editor the relevant matching row is selected in the dropdown this is fine. my problem is 

    when the text is cleared in the editor by

    cboCustomer.text = ""

  • Internal Error: "Can't convert to DestinitionValue" in UltraComboBox


    I am using Infragistics Winform Controls 2008 Volume 1 and facing the problem in UltraComboBox. The error string is: 

    Internal Error: "Can't convert to DestinitionValue in UltraComboBox".

    Although I have lots of combo boc on my screen…

  • Sort by FilterCondition?

    Is this possible? I have 3 columns in a combo drop down: Part # (KeyCol1), UPC (KeyCol2), and Description (KeyCol3). When a user types in the combobox, I want the combobox to be able to filter Part #s that start with the combobox text, UPCs that match…

  • 198 Bands?

    I am manually creating my UltraCombo, setting up the SINGLE band with it's SEVEN columns (one of which will be unbound).

    I set the DataSource to be my BindingSource. Then, I call the EndInit on the ISupportInitialize interface.

    Moments later, I…

  • Width Resize Ignored in Column 0

    When I try to set the width of the first column (the value column) it's ignored. The setting does apply to subsequent columns. Is there a setting I'm missing?  The control's DropDownWidth attribute is set to -1.

    myUltraCombo.DataSource = LoadData…