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  • Column span in UltraTree

    Is it possible to have a cell span multiple columns in an UltraTree with ViewStyle = Outlook ?


  • how to show 2 or more columns without datasource

    hello all, How to show and add 2 or more columns in each node... like that Root Col2 |-----Child1 Col2 |--------Child11 Col2
  • Setting cell.Value does not fire CellValueChanged

    I have an UltraTreeView with its ViewStyle = FreeForm. One of the columns is set to a Boolean type which renders a CheckBox. Within this column, I'm trying to modify a cell value using the following code:

    cell.Value = Not CBool…
  • Columns - One Header, Multiple Cells?

    I want to dynamically create and display a ColumnSet with multiple cells under each column, but with a header only on the top cell.  When I add an UltraTreeNode and set its Override.ColumnSet to my columnSet, it gets a set of headers along with the set of…