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  • Operation Aborted error in IE6

    We are currently experiencing an issue in IE6 where if a user hovers over a web chart while the rest of the page is still loading it will throw an Operation Aborted exception and crash the app. From what I have gathered from other threads is that…

  • Srcollable Legend (Display all labels)


    I'm using the 3DPieChart where I display the legend. Some of the labels are longer than others and are trimmed by default. Also the quantity of labels exceeds the legend area. How do I still display all labels. Is the 'moreIndicator' option by any…

  • tooltips are missing in Firefox

     I have charts loading inside WARP.

    In IE everything works fine, but in FF when the page is loaded for the first time it displays tooltips (but they are displaced to other part of the page) .

    After the callbacks and different chart displays, no more tooltips…

  • Issue with Tooltips (<ITEM_LABEL>) in PieChart3D (version 6.2.20062.1054)


    I'm using Infragistics version '6.2.20062.1054' in an ASP .NET Web Application (CLR 2.0).
    In the application, I use a piechart in one of the pages. A problem occurs when using tooltips on the PieChart3D.

    I want to display the ITEM_LABELs…