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  • Remove Weekend in X-Axis


      I hve a question in XamLine Chart. I am using Date in Label for X-Axis and set Autorange to false. I specified the Minimum,Maximum and Unit for the range and the chart shows correctly. What I need is I want to remove weekend Labels from the X-Axis…

  • Increase LineWidth of Line XamChart


    I have a xamChart with ChartType as Line.

    The line shown in the chart is very thin. I want to increase this width.

    I cant get any particular property to increase the linewidth.



  • Bug with ScatterLine and a single point?

    The XamChart docs state that for a ScatterLine chart:

    It is recommended that the numeric columns contain 2 or more rows so that a line can be drawn between two data points

    From: ms-help://NetAdvantage_WPF92/NAWPF_WPF92/WPF/xamChart_Scatter_Line_Chart…

  • Need help creating dynamic multi-series lne cart

    I don't want to use xaml jut css or data info because the amount to doctors will be grabbed from a database. my code references a stored procedure named GetDoctors to grab a list of names and then another named Encounters that retrieves data if this …